Friday, October 28, 2011


So, I've got nada for you. There was no 4th date with "Tom" this week due to some unforeseen circumstances. We've been in touch, but no idea as to when we'll see each other next. 

I've dabbled a bit on one of the sites in the past week, but frankly, I'm tired of this online dating crap. I can now say I've tried it, and it was ok. I met a few good guys, but I also met a lot of assholes. However, overall, I don't think it's quite for me. It really has come down to the "types" of men on the site. Yea, there are a few, rare decent ones, however, a lot of them are...... well, not. "Tom" really is a lot of what I look for in a guy, and a lot of me hopes things continue to go well. He has been a breath of fresh air but who knows how long that air will stay fresh. Thank goodness for Febreeze, right?

Anyways, a girl's favorite holiday has now approached. 
Get out there, lassies, in your costume that is some random thing with a side of slut. 
It's the one day a year you can get away with it. 

I, however, will be going as a blue lego. 
Yes, I will be wearing a box. 
No, not so sexy, but I dig. 

Happy Friday, and more importantly, Happy Halloween!

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