So, later, I realized that yesterday's post might of been.... weird.
I'm not sure I fully grasp what unrequited love is, but it seemed relevant to what's been on my mind lately.
However, now that I am no longer on any online dating site, I've had a lot of questions and been thinking "Now what? What do I do now?"
I've wanted to take some time for myself and accomplish some goals of mine.
However, I've still haven't shaken the feeling of wanting to meet new guys and see what else is out there.
One of the reason's I've stopped online dating is because I noticed how much time, energy, and effort I was putting into it and not in other areas of my life. It hit me that I need to put that same amount of time, energy, and effort into achieving those life long goals that I've had and that I'll meet people along the way.
This experience has been an interesting one.
I've really enjoyed using this blog as an outlet for describing the highs and lows of my dates and exploring who's out there.
However, posts like these about thoughts and questions are an example of a lull; a reflecting period when there are no guys present in my life. The first 25 posts or so were the recap of 3 months of online dating.
It didn't all happen at one time and thank god it didn't; that would be exhausting.
I just happened to write it all in a matter of a week when really it took weeks.
I know my posts have been farther and fewer in between one another in the past few months, but that is the nature of dating.
I don't go on dates every day, let alone every week. They just happen when they happen.
I'm sorry if these past few posts aren't stories and bore you, but this is the speed of which dating takes in my life.
Sometimes there are one or two, maybe three, guys who I am chatting with or have dates lined up.
And then there are periods where there are NONE.
My point is, not every post is going to be about some amazing or horrible date, and they aren't going to happen once or more times a week.
They happen when they happen.
So until then, hold tight. You know I'll write about it when it does happen.