Friday, April 27, 2012

Guest Post!

Folks, I've got a treat for you this Friday. A guest post. I've asked this guest, "Matilda" to share her experiences thus far and to begin with a correspondence she had with a young lad. And here it is folks:

So this guy on [online dating site] that I use messaged me asking the usual A/S/L questions.  We chatted for a bit, I noticed that he was a few years younger but he pointed that out in one of his emails and said ‘I know I’m a bit younger, but I think I am very mature so give me a chance.’  (Just to clarify I’m 25, he was 22).  So we kept chatting, he seemed real nice and from his photos was very attractive.  A few correspondences later he suggested that we exchange numbers so that we could communicate more effectively since neither of us were on match ever day.  I agreed and we exchanged numbers.  A few days later he texts me.  

The conversation went a little something like this:
Romeo: Hey

Matilda: Hi, who is this? … (I forgot to save his number)

Romeo:  It’s Romeo

Matilda: Oh hey!  How’s it going?

Romeo:  Do you know who this is?  Romeo from [online dating site]?

Matilda:  Yes.

Romeo:  Hey would you mind sending me another picture?

Matilda:  Um… sure, hold on.

Matilda: *picture sent*

Romeo:  Is this a joke?

Matilda:  What?

Matilda: Are you talking about the picture?

Romeo: Lose my number.

…and the end.

Needless to say I thought it was quite comical, especially since he was the one who initiated contact.  I guess the lesson learned is not to date anyone younger than you if you are a woman, or if they are an “’attractive’ 22 year old, fresh out of college, and although young, very ‘mature’ for his age.” 

So there you have it; the first guest post from "Matilda." And I assure you, there will be more to come (hopefully), not only from Matilda but others as well! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ehhh and guest posts?

So, I have nothing to report on my end. Although my family friend said he'd pass on my number, I have never heard from his friend. So no craft beer for me.

On another note, I have some friends and acquaintances that have been on some awesome dates and/or had some great, and humorous, experiences. SO! I'm hoping to get some guest posts up on here soon! And I must say, they are pretty hilarious, in my opinion, and gutsy too! Hold tight and I hope to report back soon! Or well, someone will!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Craft Beer, Again.

Hello, again.

So I have another update.

After a little over a week, "Paul," the family friend, finally messaged me back to inform me he will be giving my number to his friend. He had nice things to say about his friend "Peter," and said if I had any questions to not hesitate to ask. It was a really pleasant message and kind of brightened my day! So for now, I wait.

I got this message while sitting in the movie theaters waiting for "Titanic" to begin; yes, I saw it once more in theaters to relive my preteen days, and it was just as good. I was excited in that moment when sitting in my popcorn-crusted seat, but then after the movie had ended, I didn't feel that same excitement as before, to be honest. Usually, I get rather excited about such things and for prolong periods of time (days, weeks, maybe months). I kind of am excited, but only slightly. I'm not sure what has gotten into me, but I'm not jumping up and down to see what adventure might unfold. I don't feel that same energy as before when it comes to dating. I just feel kind of blah.

In other news, I have my eye on another lad that I have met within recent weeks/month-ish. However, I decided I'm not going to blog about this one. I have my reasons and if something does come about, perhaps I may blog about it, but until then, I see no reason to get further into details.

I apologize for this awkward, sour-puss of a blog post. I guess it is a reflection of my current "I have no idea what I want in life," state of mind.