Friday, April 27, 2012

Guest Post!

Folks, I've got a treat for you this Friday. A guest post. I've asked this guest, "Matilda" to share her experiences thus far and to begin with a correspondence she had with a young lad. And here it is folks:

So this guy on [online dating site] that I use messaged me asking the usual A/S/L questions.  We chatted for a bit, I noticed that he was a few years younger but he pointed that out in one of his emails and said ‘I know I’m a bit younger, but I think I am very mature so give me a chance.’  (Just to clarify I’m 25, he was 22).  So we kept chatting, he seemed real nice and from his photos was very attractive.  A few correspondences later he suggested that we exchange numbers so that we could communicate more effectively since neither of us were on match ever day.  I agreed and we exchanged numbers.  A few days later he texts me.  

The conversation went a little something like this:
Romeo: Hey

Matilda: Hi, who is this? … (I forgot to save his number)

Romeo:  It’s Romeo

Matilda: Oh hey!  How’s it going?

Romeo:  Do you know who this is?  Romeo from [online dating site]?

Matilda:  Yes.

Romeo:  Hey would you mind sending me another picture?

Matilda:  Um… sure, hold on.

Matilda: *picture sent*

Romeo:  Is this a joke?

Matilda:  What?

Matilda: Are you talking about the picture?

Romeo: Lose my number.

…and the end.

Needless to say I thought it was quite comical, especially since he was the one who initiated contact.  I guess the lesson learned is not to date anyone younger than you if you are a woman, or if they are an “’attractive’ 22 year old, fresh out of college, and although young, very ‘mature’ for his age.” 

So there you have it; the first guest post from "Matilda." And I assure you, there will be more to come (hopefully), not only from Matilda but others as well! 

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