Next: "Jack"
"Jack" was from Jersey, and yes, I asked if he GTL on a regular basis. He confirmed he did not. He messaged me first and our conversations were pretty good, but not great. He was a Giants/Yankees fan, and I am not a fan of either of those teams (Let's go Red Soxs!).
Despite his lack of taste in sports teams, I still gave this guy a shot. We could at least joke back and forth about who had the better teams, clearly I was the winner. However, he had a very odd schedule. He worked in security in DC and would have a schedule of 2-11pm or something like that. I have a schedule of 8am-4pm (sometimes 9am-5pm if it was a rough morning. Clearly, our schedules don't really match up. And occasionally he would have to work weekends. Well, frequently he would have to work weekends. So it was no surprise that he was on a dating website; when the heck is he supposed to meet a lovely lady, like myself, otherwise? How many single ladies are there just bouncing around during the day from 8am to 3pm looking for a man? I hope not that many.
We found a day that would work for both of us and set up a date to grab sushi. He wasn't very familiar with the area, so picked a place he knew near him. It was only a 15 minute drive for me, so I didn't mind zipping on over there. If you have a 15 minute drive to get somewhere in this area, that's pretty stinking fast. Granted its not rush hour.
I got there first and waited in my car. Eventually, I got out and gave him a call in which he said he was just pulling in and thought he saw me. I saw this sleek black Audi A4 pull up; something about it said Jersey. Maybe it was because the windows were tinted as well. It just looked very.... not DC area. He got out and he was pretty cute! A little shorter than I expected, but I'm 5'4" on a good day so that really didn't bother me.
I could tell on his face that he was nervous/not what he expected to meet. I thought I looked cute with my wavy hair down and a nice sun dress with flip flops. Apparently I should have GTL that day and got some fake boobs or something, prob would have gone better with the car.
We went inside and conversation was awkward. It was hard to get him to talk at all. I tried to ask the usual questions that would at least get him to SPEAK about SOMETHING. We ate our sushi and just sat there for a minute. It was only 7pm on a Saturday, and I asked if what else he was up to that evening and if he wanted to do anything else. I can't quite remember what his response was; it was something along the lines of finishing up laundry (how GTL Jersey of him) and that he might have to go into work. What I do know and gathered is that whatever he was doing that evening, it didn't involve me.
So we got up, headed out the door, and parted ways. He kind of zoomed out of the parking lot, I kid you not.
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