Next up: "Pedro," a little Latin Flav-a.
Si, senoritas, I had "una cita," with a very nice and sweet guy named "Pedro." He was the first guy I spoke with on the new site and he was much more chivalrous than other guys I had met. He was originally from Venezuela but his family was from Chile before that, so he ensured me that he was really Chilean. He moved up here, I'm not sure why, but was up here in the states, nonetheless. He was a very nice guy, we messaged back and forth frequently. Always polite in his messages and seemed like a genuine, nice guy. I had minored in Spanish during my undergraduate studies and thought it would be nice to date a guy who also spoke Spanish. Languages are important to me, so I liked the idea of someone who is bilingual in a language in which I am familiar with, myself. We finally set up a date after July 4th had past, and we were both available and in town.
We met up at one of my favorite restaurants and I did find him attractive, at first. This wasn't my first time dating someone who isn't a native to the States. And that showed all too well, when we ordered drinks. I recognized some similarities between him and my ex, who was also not originally from the States. I am a big beer lover; I enjoy a nice cold one. Apparently, he is not. He admitted that he usually likes more "girly" mixed drinks. I was like "Oh really?! Ahh ok!"
I saw this as a large flag; I did not want to wear the pants in the relationship, no matter how flattering they made my ass look. But I was quickly trumped by that thought later on. The waiter had stopped by to mention that if I enjoyed the beer that I had order, that he also recommended I may like this other beer they had on tap. I took this as he's trying to do his job and sell more beers. "Pedro" took this as, and said to me as the waiter walked away, "Seems like he is trying to get you drunk."
For the record, I can handle more than two beers.
I was definitely put off by this comment. It was a sign to me that this guy would not fit in well with my friends and my shenanigans on the weekends. Most weekends we like to go out and have a few drinks, maybe a few shots, and then a few more drinks, then possibly followed by IHOP at 2am. (I have now stopped the IHOP at 2am. Realized that it wasn't just filling my stomach, but more so in other areas.... like all over. Def do NOT need all those extra calories after an evening of drinking.)Anyways, I saw this comment as, if he seems to have an issue with the waiter encouraging me to order a second beer, then he's going to have an even bigger problem with ME encouraging MYSELF to have a second beer... and a third beer... and however many I feel like having.
The date, otherwise, was very pleasant but when he asked if I wanted to go somewhere else after dinner and I had a surprised look on my face, he got the hint that I wasn't very interested. We walked back to my car, hugged adios, and parted ways.
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