Next: "Dave." AKA: WORST DATE EVER. I would have much rather had a date at Mickey D's and devoured the above than have gone on this date and wasted 3 hours of my life.
It didn't start off nearly as bad as it ended. I was ECSTATIC about this guy. He was almost like the male "Me." I was like "This is perfect! I love this guy! He's so amazing!" We immediately clicked with messaging. We had the same sense of humor, great banter between us, chatted all the time. We really got along well and I was super excited for this date.
We met up to play some shuffle board one evening. I was super nervous because I was so excited to finally meet this guy; I had high expectations. I was running about 5 minutes late but managed to find him once I arrived. He was pretty cute but I seemed to sense that he wasn't quite as excited to see me as I was to see him. However, we were already there so we moved on over to pick up the shuffleboard stuff. I took the initiative to ask for it, and we were on our way.
Shuffleboard was fun! He first beat me at the first game and then I beat him at the second game. We had some banter going and overall I thought "This is going well! Not great... but well enough!" We decided to call it a tie and end there.
We went back to drop off the shuffleboard items. I ended up paying. He did the motion to his pocket move, but allowed me to pay. I honestly don't mind paying, but don't be shady about it.
We then moved over to the bar.
I should have left had I known what I was about to get myself into that evening.
The US vs Mexico soccer game was on that evening. My dumb ass actually attempted to have a conversation with "Dave," and apparently he had other intentions, none of which involved me. I would ask "Dave" a question, he would look at me, then turn back to the TV, which had the game on, and would answer with a short response, and say nothing more.
During commercial breaks he checked his phone. I glanced over at one point and he was on gchat.
I thought about messaging him from my phone via gchat, but I refrained. I'm a lady (kinda).
This lasted for 2 hours. I know, I know, I know. I should have gotten up and left when he whipped out his phone for the tenth time and I realized that he was on gchat.
The game finally ended and I suggested leaving. He agreed. But then we sat there for another 15 minutes.
No, I don't know why I didn't just leave.
EVENTUALLY we left, which was the most awkward walk back to a metro, ever. He even started making those popping noises with his lips.
He did apologize for not being very talkative. I said, "Its ok." It wasn't ok.
We parted ways.
That following Monday, I noticed that he had blocked me on gchat. I'm just upset he got to it first.
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