I never actually went out on a date with this guy, but definitely worth a post.
Let's call him..... "Dan."
Dan messaged me and he appeared to be a normal guy. He was pleasent in his messages and seemed like a nice guy. He asked if we could exchange email addresses and I obliged.
That's when it went down hill.
I messaged him back my email address. When he logged onto the site later that day, he immediately messaged me apologizing for not seeing the message earlier, sent me a gchat invite, and then sent me another message back asking if I had received the chat invite. It was a bit intense, considering it all happened in less than 5 minutes. I waited, and then accepted.
Whoooooosh...... the sound of stuff going down hill....
He messaged me, and messaged me, and messaged me. About... everything. Then the creepy comments about appearances came out, like "Oh I bet you look real cute in that dress." I had ordered new swimsuits and updated my status to indicate that now that they have arrived, I will no longer be eating in order to fit into them. He took this literally, and reassured me that he bet I looked great in those swimsuits. Ew and ew. Apparently I failed to mention I am fluent and speak in Sarcasm. It just kept getting creepier and creepier.
Then it happened.... the Facebook request.
I don't know what possessed him to Facebook Friend request an individual he has never met.
This is when I, as politely as I could, informed him that I had become uncomfortable with his behavior. I let him know that his comments about my appearance, all of which he gathered from photos I had posted on my online dating profile, had become off putting and that the Facebook request was too much. I let him know that I am not friends with ANYONE on Facebook that I haven't met before. He was extremely apologetic and tried to mend things. I began to just ignore him.
He was a persistent little guy. After a few days had passed of him still messaging me and I ignored all of them, I finally cracked. I told him that I am not interested in getting to know him any more. He didn't understand why, so I blocked him. Problem solved.
And no, I never confirm the Facebook Friend Request. Come on. Don't let the title of this blog give you the wrong idea about me.
Another week or two had passed, and he messaged me ..... AGAIN. He said he was upset things didn't work out between us and felt as if we had a lot in common.
I wonder if he wore glasses.... I wonder if the lenses were rose colored....
So, my friend is also on the same site and started to talk about this guy who messaged her at every waking hour. She kept describing him and I finally asked:
Me:"What's his name?"
Me: "OMG! Is it Dan?!"
My Friend: "Dan."
I told her what had happened to me. She ended up telling him the truth that the messaging was a bit much. That didn't go over the same as when I had told him. He called her a "Bitch" and got into a bit of a spat.
I also forgot to mention he tried to video chat with her. They also hadn't met yet.
Am I the only one who finds that inappropriate and off-putting? Since when is it acceptable to do this? Why can't folks today actually have lives not in front of a computer screen?
(I say this as I type away.... but I'm writing about my life AWAY from the computer screen.... whatever. Just work with me here.)
And that folks, is a seemingly harmless guy gone creeper.
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