For August, third time isn't a charm: "Mike 3"
We are finally into the beginning of this month, which the real story kind of began at the end of July when "Mike 3" messaged me, but we didn't actually meet until August. Anyways, "Mike 3" was another really nice guy and his messages were sweet, pleasant, and there was just enough flirtation in them that didn't cross any lines. He messaged me when I was on vacation and I only had my phone so it was difficult to type on that tiny keyboard. However, I managed and we decided to set up a date for that Sunday after I got back.
I was excited for a few reasons; he was pretty cute in his pictures and had a good sense of humor about him and I had a rocking tan from being at the beach all week. We decided to meet at this Mexican restaurant that he had been to a few times. He offered to pick me up, but since we hadn't met before, I decided it was best to just meet there. I got there WAY earlier than I anticipated, so I just sat in my car. Got out and walked on over; recognized him right away.
He was fairly short, I'd say 5'6" or 5'7", which he had indicated on his profile. But that didn't bother me much since, again, I am not that tall. However, he was a pretty thin guy and I know I'm not a skinny mini myself (I consider myself average-ish and curvy for any of you who may not know me). This didn't seem to bother him and he seemed happy to meet me! We went inside and got seated.
A few things happened at dinner. One; there was a live mariachi band playing. It was so loud that it was actually really difficult to hear and converse with one another. He informed me that the other times he had been there for work happy hours, there had not been a band. However, it was entertainment enough!
Another thing about dinner; he was a bit "metro" for my taste. I typically am more attracted to I guess, manlier men than more metro-sexual men. This was not helping me focus on him. Nor was the cute guy sitting at another table. I caught myself staring at the other guy a few times and realized.... I AM HERE ON A DATE. FOCUS. ITS THE LEAST YOU CAN DO. We finished up dinner and in our messages we had agreed that if the evening went well, we could go play some shuffleboard at a local joint. He ended up suggesting it, and I obliged thinking that maybe I need to get to know this guy better.
We arrive at the scene of the crime where I had the disaster date with "Dave." I was praying this time it would go better. It did. "Mike 3" picked up the shuffleboard items and also asked if I wanted a drink or anything. I said "yes," and went to go set up while he grabbed some beers. Shuffleboard went great! He definitely opened up more and that snagged more of my attention. He was funny, witty, competitive, and made me feel more relaxed around him. I was definitely enjoying myself, but I was having a hard time reading him, and myself, as to whether there was something between us. I just couldn't get over that he was fairly metro-sexual and that just wasn't something I'm attracted to in a guy.
We decided to end the shuffleboard games and head on out. He picked up the tab this time unlike.... "Dave," who did the half ass motion to his wallet, who shouldn't have even bothered motioning at all..... moving on. We walked outside and headed back to his car. He asked if I wanted to do something else, which surprised me! I was like "Well, I don't know what else there is to do on a Sunday evening." He fished for ideas, and then suggested going back to his apartment to play pool in the rec room of the complex and have some wine.
I said that I thought it was late and that I should head home since it was a Sunday evening, I had work in the morning, and I had been out on vacation all that week before. Plus, I know better than to go back to a guy's apartment on the first date, especially one I had never met prior to that evening. Let's not rush things here, buddy.
He said that was fine and drove me back to my car that I had left at the restaurant. Before we parted ways, we did the "I had a nice time," speech and exchanged numbers. Before I got out of the car, he went for it; he kissed me. That wonderful, awkward, over-the-center-console kiss. It was a quick kiss, not a full on make out or anything, but I was certainly surprised. I didn't really get the vibe that he was THAT into me that a kiss would be involved at the end of the evening. Perhaps it was because I wasn't feeling that vibe more so myself. I said goodbye and got into my own car.
We exchanged a few texts that evening and next day, but after I had sent one on Monday saying that Wednesday and Thursday worked better for me to get together again, I didn't receive a text from him later that week ON THURSDAY saying Tuesday and Thursday worked better for him. I was confused since Tuesday had already passed, so I just never responded back. Never got anything from him either.
Suppose it was ok I didn't hear back, but lesson learned: don't check out other guys while on a date with a guy. Otherwise, that's a clear indication that you are not interested if you can't even focus on him through a meal.
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