Next: "Mike" 1. Yes, 1. There are more "Mikes." Apparently "Mike" is a popular name. And those of you who know me, I really recycle names. A little too frequently, also.
"Mike 1" messaged me first and we went back and forth just a few times till he asked me to grab drinks. Smart guy, engineer, military, lived close by, laid back. I liked that he asked to get drinks right away because one thing I've learned that after about 5-6 messages each, it gets old real fast. We met up and had a pretty great time! We talked about everything and he was great at holding a conversation; something that not all guys, especially those of which you meet online, are great at doing. Before we parted ways, he mentioned about getting together for a second date! I was like "CHA-CHING! We got one!" I left and walked home ecstatic that I finally met a decent guy after messaging with SEVERAL for the past few weeks.
We kept in touch over the weekend, random texts here and there. We decided to meet the following week, again for drinks. Overall, I really liked this guy, but he was still a little shady with his communication, or lack there of. He would do some half ass responses, or not get back to me several DAYS later. I thought it was a little odd, but that's just how I roll; I expect a decent, timely response, it's the least a person can do after a date.
We met up late one Thursday evening; he suggested a meeting time of 9pm. I thought 9 was a little late, but I decided that I had nothing better to do and I'd just go with it. We hit it off again, but I felt as if this guy was seriously lacking in the dating experience department. Every line seemed to be forced and he came off as if he was just trying to get to "one thing," if you know what I mean. He invited me back to his apartment to watch a movie "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs." I LOVE a good cartoon, with Finding Nemo being a personal fave, and decided, sure, WHY NOT?! I'll go hang out. I thought it to be a little soon to invite someone back to an apartment, but once again, I just went with the flow.
Inexperienced, indeed. There was first the awkward seating arrangement on the couch. Do I lean in? Do I just sit here comfortably? Do I lay down? No, no laying down; that's insinuating too much. Eventually we get settled and watched the movie. Now, like I said, I like a good cartoon. So I actually wanted to WATCH the movie. Apparently he had other plans. There were some... attempts... to sneak in a kiss, but really, I just wanted to watch the movie. That's why we came back in the first place... right? Besides, he can work for it. I'm not that thick in the head; I knew what "come over to my apartment to watch a movie" meant. However, I REALLY wanted to watch this movie. We managed to get through the whole movie, actually watching it, and it's one I highly recommend, for the record.
Then we made out. It was awkward. But he did just sit there for 90 minutes with me under his arm. Kinda owed it to him. And I wanted to make out, also. It's fun and it had been a while. Moving on....
It was like kissing in middle/high school; it's your first time, or first few times, and you're not quite sure what to do, but you just go with it and hope it figures itself out. But I actually knew what I was doing (well, at least I think I do, I suppose that's subjective) and felt like it was not reciprocated. There was a lot of trying to get one person to lean this way... but someone wanted to lean that way.... and after a few awkward positions, we finally settled on one that worked for the mean time.
After what seemed like an hour, but was probably more like 20 minutes, he suggested me spending the night. HA. He said we didn't "have to DO anything," and that he just wanted to "cuddle." What grown ass man wants to just cuddle after a 2nd date? Seriously. I'm blonde but I'm not dumb. Well, not THAT dumb.
Plus I had work in the morning, and doing a walk of shame at 8am on a Friday during rush hour on the metro sounded like a terrible idea. And I always run into SOMEONE I know.
We parted ways and agreed to meet up again the following week on Wednesday. Kept in touch some over the weekend, but there were days that passed in between texts. I'm thinking "If a guy is really into me, he'd be making more effort than this." I know we all have lives, but it takes all but 2 minutes to send a courteous text saying "Hope you are having a great week!"
A few days pass, and I finally sucked it up and texted him asking if we were still on for Wednesday.
Wednesday: "I don't think I can go out tonight... stressing too much about stuff/trying to get it done."
Conveniently, I got sick, again (bad cold)and couldn't go out. I asked if he wanted to meet up that weekend by chance. His response "Going to have to be a tentative yes."
Tentative? ....... yea, ok.
A week and a half later.... I finally get a message from him. At 10pm at night. Which he mentions that he's heading home from a Happy Hour. You're trying to tell me that the only time you have to get in touch with me is when you are leaving and heading home after an evening of drinking? ..... ok.
I never responded.
3 weeks later I heard from him again.... but that takes us into July, in which I'll save for later.
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