Up Next: "Mike 2"
This picture are the actual flowers he BROUGHT me to our first date and I took once I got home.
I melted.
I REALLY liked "Mike 2." He was pretty much almost perfect. He was funny, he had great taste in music, he was caring, witty, motivated; almost the perfect guy (Seriously, a true gentleman). I was so excited when we finally set up a date on a Wednesday in Mid July.
The date was amazing. I show up, nervous as all hell, only to walk in front of the restaurant to see two friends, another couple, sitting right outside the restaurant having drinks. There was no hiding; I was right there and so were they and they aren't the type of people you can pretend you didn't see. They're my friends for Pete's sake. So I said "Hi," and we chatted and such. Well, I tried to chat. I spilled the beans right away that I was there waiting for a blind date. They spoke but I was so nervous, I honestly wasn't even listening. I kept nervously dancing around and tripping over myself. At one point, I "went in side real quick to see if he's there waiting" (and I knew he hadn't arrived) but I felt the need to send him a quick text saying that I'm waiting outside with my friends who happen to be there.... AWKWARD.
As I stood there, barely standing from being so nervous, I finally spotted him walking up the street. Under my breath I said "Omg there he is." And just stared as he came up the sidewalk. He was carrying something, and I thought "Is that a bag in his hands? Why would he be carrying something that looks like a gym bag?" Then I realized it was flowers.
As he approached we noticed each other and once he realized it was me, he had a huge smile on his face. I must of looked like a tomato, I could feel myself blushing so hard. He said "Hey," and we hugged "Hello" and then I said "Annnnnnnd these are my friends! Yaaay!"
Yes, "Yaaay!"
He was totally cool about it. He's the type of guy who makes small jokes here and there, so that's exactly how he handled the situation. He said "These are for you," about the flowers and pretended to put them in my friend's drink as if it were a vase. I swooned. I was on cloud 9. I couldn't believe this was happening. Here was this tall, handsome guy who brought me flowers and was just such a delight to be around; one of those people who just ooze great energy.
We made our way inside and sat down for dinner. I laid the flowers there on the edge of the table and so the date began. We spoke about everything; sports, work, family, school, music, etc. Just a normal conversation with someone who I felt like I knew forever. We ate and continued to just chat away the evening. When we were all finished our waitress had a surprise for us.
She came over to our table asking if we were all done with our meals. We said yes, and she informed me that my friend had left some cash with her for us to use to split a dessert.
We said that we were stuffed, so I ordered another beer instead. I couldn't believe this was all happening. I don't think any guy has treated me like this on a date. I was seriously blown away. It gave me hope that great guys do exist and are worth all of those toads you come across along the way.
We wrapped up the evening and he walked me back to the metro. We hugged goodbye and said we would be in touch. I ended up taking a cab home since it was late and the metro usually runs slower in the night. I sat in the cab and was the happiest girl in the world.
When I got home, he sent me a text saying he had a great evening, and I replied that I did as well. He said it was his pleasure to take me out for the evening. I couldn't get over how sweet and polite he was, and to all people me.
I had a hard time falling asleep that night.
I got to work and told a few folks about the evening. I was in the best mood I had been in for a long time. We stayed in touch over the next few days via text and FB chat. Conversation went well but then it began to slow.
After a few days had passed, and although we stayed in touch, there was no second date planned. I decided to ask him on Sunday evening what he was up to that week. He said nothing at all and we planned for another date on that Wednesday, a week after the first.
We decided to meet closer to him, and after a long day at work I was running a little behind when I drove up to meet him. I showed up and we met at this small Italian place, which was delicious.
Something was different this time. I'm not quite sure if it were because we both had long days at work or if something happened. Conversation didn't seem to flow at first and it wasn't clicking as well as the week before. I tried my best to just think of SOMETHING to talk about, as long as it wasn't poo like the date I had with "Kevin," lesson learned, got it. I knew that he had enough when he was looking for the waiter to get the check. We wrapped up dinner and walked to my car across the street. We parted ways, and over dinner I had tried to drop that I was going to be on vacation the following week out of town, but it was clear he wasn't really looking to know of my whereabouts. We hugged goodbye and I said I hope he had a nice weekend and we'd be in touch.
We haven't spoke since then.
You win some and you lose some. If anything, I learned from this date that nice guys do exist.
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